In these tough economic times, everyone is looking to make quick and easy money. So it’s no surprise that many are flocking to online bookmakers to try their luck to see if they could walk away with a tidy, tax-free profit. One of the biggest lures for people to join an online bookmaker is the promise of a free bet- many adding up to hundreds of pounds and in most cases the bookmaker ‘matching‘ your first deposit. But how can bookmakers simply throw away their money ? It’s not all quite as it seems as our guide below will show :
Game Restrictions
Many bookmakers will give you free money only if you spend it how they see fit. This money is then restricted as tokens which you can only stake on the games the bookmaker will allow. Oftentimes these games are the most high risk of all- online scratch cards, fruit machines and other games where skill is almost completely redundant. This may come as a surprise to the new-comer, finding that their favorite games are unplayable because of these restrictions.
Deposit Restrictions
When many people see the offers of ‘free’ bets, what they don’t realize is that they’re often dependent on signing up to the bookmaker and making a deposit. The free bet bonuses are usually commensurate with the initial deposit made which makes it far more appealing to make a large deposit and so receive the equal amount in ‘free’ money to play with. Because of this many gamers are compelled to make a completely new deposit later once their free money bet has disappeared and so, the bookmaker has a repeat deposit, a new customer, and a few extra pounds in their already full pockets.
Cashing Out
This is probably the most important of all the points on our list. Cashing out with your own money in play is often a very simple process: you can cash out whatever amount you wish and it will be returned to your bank account within a few days- if you don’t reverse the withdrawal process, that is. However once you accept a bookmaker’s ‘free’ bet, your money becomes intertwined with theirs. No problem you might think. But the free money is subject to a cashing out a policy which means you will have to stake the free money a certain number of times before you can cash it out. This is typical between one hundred and one thousand times- so with your ten pounds free bet and your own ten pounds deposit, you will need a balance well in the hundreds in order to cash it out !
If you’ve found this is the case with many of games you’ve played online, maybe it’s time to take a step back and put the fun factor back into playing online. Golden Palace monopoly online offers you an exciting twist on the traditional board game. If you land a spot you’ve bet on, you win. Easy peasy what’s best, it’s a game for all. So what are you waiting for ?